Frequently asked questions
Account settlement
The patient is always liable for the full account.
Private, Foreign and Hospital plan patient must settle IMMEDIATELY.
In the event that your medical aid does not pay in full you are required to settle the account within 48 hours by EFT or by Credit Card upon notification.
No Cheques will be accepted.
How do I request a repeat script?
Please Email or call in for a repeat script.
To avoid errors please inform us of any changes made. Have your current “pills and doses” with you – It can be confusing if several doctors have issued scripts.
How long does it take for a repeat script to be issued?
There is a 48 Hour turnaround time for scripts and chronic forms. Scripts are valid up to 6 months. A fee will apply.
Is Dr Routier available to discuss queries telephonically OR by email?
Dr does not do telephonic consultations or respond to personal email queries. He prefers you to make an appointment and come in for a face-to-face short discussion.
Does doctor charge medical aid rates?
We charge Discovery rates for all medical aids. Contracts are in place for Bankmed, Platinum Health, Discovery, Medscheme, Bonitas, Fedhealth, Polmed, Gems, Bestmed, Medshield, Medihelp, Universal and Compcare.
What are the consulting hours?
08:30 am to 16:00 pm Monday to Thursday
Friday 8:30 to 13:00pm
Self referral and Walk-in consultations?
We prefer to see medically referred or existing cardiac cases as a specialist service.
Cancellation Policy
You will get charged if you do not cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance, per HPCSA guidelines. E-mail or verbal contact with the receptionist is required. All new cases receives an SMS reminder.
Does Dr write clinical motivations?
Dr does not routinely write motivational letters, but he will gladly speak to your medical aid’s professionals, if you arrange that. He can not speak to call centre agents.
Chronic Forms?
Please bring your medical aid form completed and signed. There is a 48 hour turnaround, at the prescribed fee. We have most forms available.
Generic medication
Generic alternatives may be issued. Names may differ from names on your script and lead to confusion- please check with your friendly issuing pharmacist.
Legal generic substitution by your pharmacy or medical aid is the norm – the pharmacist must issue a “same” agent.
Where I specified NO SUBSTITUTION – please don’t argue with my staff or demand motivations. Rather speak to your Medical Aid’s Medical Advisor- a Doctor, and ask him or her to call me.